Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki
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QR Codes (Japanese: QRコード) are codes that you can scan and get certain rewards and prizes. Some Yo-kai are only obtainable from items or coins via QR codes. The player can go to the bank (near the post office) in Springdale to scan QR codes in which they can be found behind Yo-kai Medals (merchandise) or sites that promote such. QR codes can be scanned once per save file. Some QR codes are meant to be scanned for certain games in the series. For example, Yo-kai Watch 2 QR codes are not valid for Yo-kai Watch 1.

List of QR CodesJapanese-QRI-[]

Crank-a-Kai Coins[]

Item Name Description QR Code
Yo-kai Watch
Red Coin
Yellow Coin
Orange Coin
Pink Coin
Green Coin
Purple Coin
Light-Blue Coin
Sapphire Coin
Emerald Coin
Ruby Coin
Topaz Coin
Diamond Coin
Yo-kai Watch 2
Five-Star Coin
Special Coin
Mystery Coin (Yo)
Mystery Coin (Kai)
Mystery Coin (Sum)
Mystery Coin (Mon)
Excitement Coin (Flower)
Excitement Coin (Bird)
Excitement Coin (Wind)
Excitement Coin (Moon)
Cheerful Coin
Yo-kai Watch Blasters
Lucky Crank-a-Coin
One-Star Coin
Mystery Coin (Oni)
Vortex Coin
Full Moon Coin
Strength Coin
Great Red Coin
Great Yellow Coin
Great Orange Coin
Great Pink Coin
Great Green Coin
Great Blue Coin
Great Purple Coin
Great SkyBlue Coin
Brave Yo-kai Boost Coin
Mysterious Yo-kai Boost Coin
Tough Yo-kai Boost Coin
Charming Yo-kai Boost Coin
Heartful Yo-kai Boost Coin
Shady Yo-kai Boost Coin
Eerie Yo-kai Boost Coin
Slippery Yo-kai Boost Coin
Yo-kai Watch 3
Mystery Coin (Soul)
Sushi Coin
Tempura Coin
Whirlwind Coin
Wanderer Coin
Rusted Coin
Excitement Coin (Heaven)
Mellow Coin
Brave Dream Coin
Light Dream Coin
Platinum Dream Coin
Fortune Dream Coin
Princess Dream Coin
Wisdom Dream Coin
Pride Dream Coin
Chivalry Dream Coin
G1 Dream Coin
G2 Dream Coin
G3 Dream Coin
G4 Dream Coin
2nd Helping Coin
Belly Buster Coin
Souvenir Coin (L)
Souvenir Coin (F)
Souvenir Coin (S)
Souvenir Coin (K)
Joyful Coin
Excellent Coin
Beaming Coin
Iron Pot Coin
Fancy That! Coin
Black Coin
Jet Black Coin
Demonic Coin
Underworld Coin
Sealed Coin
Emblem Coin
Treasure Coin
Legend Coin
Feast Coin
Super Red Coin
Super Yellow Coin
Super Orange Coin
Super Pink Coin
Super Green Coin
Super Blue Coin
Super Purple Coin
Super Light-Blue Coin
Ultra Red Coin
Ultra Yellow Coin
Ultra Orange Coin
Ultra Pink Coin
Ultra Green Coin
Ultra Blue Coin
Ultra Purple Coin
Ultra Light-Blue Coin
Yo-kai Watch Busters 2

Befriendable Yo-kai[]

Item Name Description Yo-kai QR Code
Yo-kai Watch 2
Melon Seeds A bag full of premium melon seeds. Melonyan
Orange Seeds A bag of orange seeds. They need a dry climate to grow. Oranyan
Kiwi Seeds A bag of seeds for growing lovely, fuzzy kiwifruit. Kiwinyan
Grape Seeds A bag of seeds for growing grapevines. Smells like grapes. Grapenyan
Berry Seeds A bag of seeds for growing big, juicy strawberries. Strawbnyan
Watermelon Seeds A bag of watermelon seeds. You won't want to share! Watermelnyan
Walkappa Cog A futuristic spare part made of titanium. Robokapp
Komasan Cog A simple spare part. From the future, of course. Robokoma
Hungramps Cog A futuristic piece of machinery... made entirely out of rice. Robogramps
Manjimutt Cog A faintly doggy-smelling spare part from the future. Robomutt
Noko Cog A supremely shiny spare part from the future. Robonoko
Draggie Cog A futuristic spare part that's lubricated with dragon blood! Robodraggie
Wonderer's Bell Presented to worthy wanderers by the king of a certain country. Wondernyan
Keepsake Cap For Hovernyan, this is a symbol of true friendship. Hovernyan
Dark Bell A black bell that only rings on the very darkest nights. Darknyan
Boo Bundle A ghost's prized possessions, all packed up and ready to move. Jibakoma
Jet Bell This jet-powered bell is sure to appeal to a certain cat... Jetnyan
Yo-kai Watch Blasters
First Place Flag Loaded with determination to slay Oni and become the premier cat Yo-kai. Momonyan
Doggy Dumpling Granny's dumplings, filled with love. The seasoning was changed for dogs. Puppynyan
Monkey Dumpling Granny's dumplings, filled with love. Seasoning was changed for monkeys. Chimpanyan
Pheasant Dumpling Granny's dumplings, filled with love. Seasoning was changed for pheasant. Phesanyan
Kintaronyan Candy A strange candy with a face inside it. I wonder why it's Kintaronyan's face... Kintaronyan
Dragon King's Chest Beautiful box from the Dragon Palace. Never open it while you're still young. Odysseynyan
Enma Medal A mystery medal with the "King" symbol. It feels tremendously strong... Lord Enma
Yo-kai Watch 3
Sushi Pillow Lets you eat your fill of sushi... in your dreams. Sushinyan
Tempura Purse Carried on the shoulder, this pouch looks just like a battered shrimp. Tempurasan
Tofu Cushion A cushion just like a block of tofu. You just want to bury your face in it! Tofupyon
Promise Pie A Commander in a hut in Blossom Heights pines for this pie. Jiba. Liu Bei, Koma. Sun Ce and Usa. Zhongda
Wib Wob Soft, squishy and nice to the touch, it's a bit of a mystery. Wobblenyan and Wibblekoma
Playing Card: King King Jibanyan. On the back it says, "Lunch at the Hazeltine Mansion." King Jibanyan
Playing Card: Queen Queen Usapyon. On the back it says, "Lunch at the Hazeltine Mansion." Queen Usapyon
Playing Card: Jack Jackomasan. On the back it says, "Lunch at the Hazeltine Mansion." Jackomasan
Playing Card: Ace Acenyan. On the back it says, "Lunch at the Hazeltine Mansion." Acenyan
Playing Card: 10 Komajiro Ten. On the back it says, "Lunch at the Hazeltine Mansion." Komajiro Ten
Playing Card: Joker Josper. On the back it says, "Lunch at the Hazeltine Mansion." Josper
Meat Bun Trio A Commander pines for these pork buns in a loft near the Old Mansion. Hover. Cao Cao, Orcanos Lu Bu and Whi. Kongming
Hero's Milk Cap A cat Yo-kai's prized Menko cards. He trains in the Blasters House basement. Hovernyan S
Wobbly Egg A soft, squishy egg that rarely cracks. The yolk has the consistency of jelly. Her Eggcelency


Item Name Description Use QR Code
Yo-kai Watch 2
Nyaight Scroll A special scroll passed down through Jibanyan's family.
Nyext Scroll A special scroll passed down through Jibanyan's family.
YW2 Victory Scroll Victory Scroll A special scroll passed down through Jibanyan's family.
Yo-kai Watch 3
Merican Flour Starry Spangles Certain yo-kai, when fused with this, become 'Merican yo-kai
Sighborg Sensor A radar that detects the real Sighborg Y. Determines appearance of true Sighborg Y
Inferno Report Inferno Report An account of an incident that occurred in the depths of the Infinite Inferno.


Item Name Description Effect QR Code
Yo-kai Watch Blasters
Red Cat Blade
White Dog Wand
B Rabbit Launcher
Valiant Bracelet
Gentle Bracelet
Invader Chip Invader Chip
Yo-kai Watch 3
Yw3 badge of honor jp Badge of Honor
Yw3 gonlden ankh Golden Ankh
Yw3 maul attatchment Maul Attachment The savagely powerful punch of this arm is only usable by Sighborg Y. +50 STR to Sighborg Y
Yw3 chairmans staff Chairman's Staff This powerful staff can only be wielded by Zazel. +35 SPR to Zazel
Paradise Ball Paradise Ball
Yw3 illustrious bead Illustrious Bead
Yw3 enchanted flute Enchanted Flute Even creation dances to the tune of this flute. Lord Enma Awoken only. +20 DEF and +20 SPD to Lord Enma Awoken
Yo-kai Watch Busters 2

Ultra Orbs[]

Item Name Description QR Code
Yo-kai Watch Blasters
Yo-kai Watch Busters 2

Yo-kai Records[]

Name Description Yo-kai QR Code
Jibanyan われらが ジバニャンの プリチーソング! 元気のでる歌声で ちからがアップだYO! Jibanyan
Jibanyan Song Medal JP QR Code
Usapyon キレのある歌声で パワフルに歌うYO!! ロックなUSA魂を感じて ちからアップ! Usapyon
Usapyon Song Medal JP QR Code
Roughraff ワルなソウルを感じる 男気あふれる歌だ! うたのパワーで ちからとまもりがアップ! Roughraff
Dismarelda ブキミなムードが 魅力的なソングだYO!  うたの力につつまれて まもりアップだぜ! Dismarelda
Dismarelda Song Medal JP QR Code
Sgt. Burly コブシをきかせた 力強いボイスで歌うぜ! パワフルな歌で 全ステータスがアップだ! Sgt. Burly
Shogunyan 伝説の名にふさわしい 威厳のある歌だぜ! 威風堂々とした歌声で ちからがアップ!! Shogunyan
Hovernyan 熱い思いが伝わってくる ソウルフルな歌! うたの力でガッツ全開! ちからアップだ! Hovernyan
Komasan MAXプリチーな歌! 兄ちゃんサイコー! ようりょくとまもりが アップだイエーイ! Komasan
Hidabat 心に秘めた思いを ソウルフルに歌うYO! うたのパワーにおされて すばやさアップ! Hidabat
Hidabat Song Medal JP QR Code
Blazion Blazion
Tattletell Tattletell
Cornfused ピンとこなくても いつの間にかノリノリ♪ そんな うたの力で ようりょくがアップ! Cornfused
Hungramps Hungramps
Babblong Babblong
Babblong Song Medal JP QR Code
Daikichi おめでたい気分になりたいなら この歌だ! ようりょくアップで おめでとうだYO!! ---
Tabemono Gakari なぜだか ヨダレが止まらなくなる曲だぜ… ほのぼのした歌声で まもりアップだYO! Hungramps and Grubsnitch
Tabemono Gakari JP QR Code
Donbries Come True 悲しげなメロディーに 思いをのせた曲だ! ドンブリ妖怪のパワーで まもりがアップ! Pride Shrimp and Wotchagot
Donbries Come True JP QR Code
Pinto Crusaders おマヌケだけど つい歌いたくなる行進曲♪ すばやさアガって みんなで歌って行進だ! Whisper and Cornfused
Rolling Rammstones ダークなソウルを 力強く歌った曲だYO! すばやさをアゲて 誰もいない場所へGO! Hidabat, Dimmy, Buhu, and Droplette
Rolling Rammstones JP QR Code
The Red Hot Sauna Wreckers アッチッチーな情熱で 魂を燃やすソング! 汗のニオイと共に 全ステータスもアップ! Swelterrier, Blazion, Sproink, and Swelton
The Nyanyanyas 盛りだくさんのニャンで 彩るメロディー! ちからも まもりも アップしちゃうYO! Jibanyan, Shogunyan and Robonyan F
Kappa Crew カッパが奏でる ノリノリなラップソング! 魅力的なラップで ようりょくもアップ!! Walkappa, Faux Kappa and Lil Kappa
Kappa Crew JP QR Code
The Comix Club ノリノリで 陽気な USAのソングだぜ! ゴキゲンなサウンドで 全ステータスUP! Usapyon, Puppiccino and Cornfused
Comix Club JP QR Code
Blaze and the Machine 男女5人組が 奏でる 明るいハーモニー♪ ようりょくも まもりも アップするZ!! Furdinand, Blizzaria, Statiking, Blazion and Poofessor
End of the Year as You Know It クリスマス♪ みんなで歌ってお祝いだぜ♪ ようりょくも まもりも アップするYO! Ol' Saint Trick and Strawbnyan/Melonyan
The Evil Twins ギャップのある歌声で 歌うぜビッグボス♪  うたのパワーでちからも まもりもアップ! Rubeus J, Hardy Hound and Captain Thunder
Summer Watch ワイハーの風を感じる クールな歌だYO! すばやさアップで 映画館へ レッツゴー♪ Jibanyan and Usapyon
Nomnom Brothers スペシャルゲストと歌う ハッピーな曲さ♪ 無償のスマイルで HPが少しずつ回復だ! Jibanyan and Ronald McDonald
Nomnom Brothers JP QR Code
Red Hot Oni Backers 力強くソウルをゆさぶる カッコいい曲だ! 全ステータスアップで 激しくバトルだぜ! Lord Enma, Gargaros, Orcanos and Ogralus
Nothin' But Hound Dogs キュートな歌声で 心も いやされるYO♪ ハートフルな うたの力で まもりアップ! Manjimutt, Komasan and Komajiro
Kintaronyan Trio A さんたろニャンが 声を合わせて歌うYO♪ 元気の出る歌声で HPが少しずつ回復だ! Momonyan, Kintaronyan and Odysseynyan
Kintaronyan Trio B みんなで歌うと 元気がわいてくる歌だぜ♪ ようりょくアップで ボス退治へGOだ!! Momonyan, Kintaronyan and Odysseynyan
The Clovers 会えたら奇跡 と言われているトリオだぜ! ハッピーな歌声で HPが少しずつ回復だ! Noko, Bloominoko and Pandanoko
The Clovers JP QR Code
Japan & USA All Stars Jibanyan, Shogunyan, Robonyan F, Usapyon, Puppiccino and Cornfused

Yo-kai Passes[]

Item Name Description Yo-kai QR Code
Yo-kai Watch 3
Yo-kai Watch Busters 2

Treasure Stones[]

Item Name Description Labyrinth QR Code
Yo-kai Watch 3
Hoary Tomb Stone
Sovereign Stone
Pandora Stone
Funny Stone
Shelter Stone
Komanubis Stone
Prophecy Stone
Rampage Stone
S Stone
Iron Ogre Stone
Meopetra Stone
Silly Stone
Gilded Stone
Sanguine Stone
Underworld Stone
Legendary Stone
Hidden Gem Stone
∞ Iron Ogre Stone
∞ Steely Dragon Stone
∞ Steely Fox Stone
∞ Oblivion Stone
∞ Underworld Stone
∞ Legendary Stone
Yo-kai Watch Busters 2

∞ Stone Fragments[]

Stone 1 Stone 2 Name Labyrinth QR Code
Yo-kai Watch 3
∞ S Stone Frag. 1 ∞ S Stone Frag. 2 S Stone
∞ Hinixstone Fra. 1 ∞ Hinixstone Fra. 2 ∞ Hinixstone Sky Garden - Hinix
∞ Meopetra Stone Fra. 1 ∞ Meopetra Stone Fra. 2 ∞ Meopetra Stone Sky Garden - Meopatra
∞ Silly Stone Fra. 1 ∞ Silly Stone Fra. 2 ∞ Silly Stone Sky Garden - Fitwit
∞ Gild. Stone Fr. 1 ∞ Gild. Stone Fr. 2 ∞ Gilded Stone Sky Garden - El Dorago
Yo-kai Watch Busters 2

Blasters T Tags[]

Item Name Description QR Code
Righteous Tag Lets you undertake the pilgrimage to Righteous Zazel on Mt Cluvimpus.
Innovative Tag Lets you undertake the pilgrimage to Hinozall Awoken on Mt Cluvimpus.
Ancient Tag Lets you undertake the pilgrimage to Enma the Ancient on Mt Cluvimpus.
Awoken Tag Lets you make the pilgrimage to Lord Enma Awoken on Mt Cluvimpus.

Recap Time[]

Episode Image Item Correspond with


Name Image Item Correspond with
The Hinix's Emblem YWB2
Meopatra's Emblem YWB2
Fitwit's Emblem YWB2
El Dorago's Emblem YWB2
Narsis II's Emblem YWB2
Zappadokia's Emblem YWB2
Mademoiselle's Emblem YWB2
Rosetta Stone's Emblem YWB2
Encore Dead's Emblem YWB2
Armorterasu's Emblem YWB2
Doescalibur's Emblem YWB2
Yoderusen's Emblem YWB2
Enma Yo-kai Emblem YWB2
Legendary Yo-kai Emblem YWB2
Small Stormweaver Stormweaver YWB2
Enma Blade Sacred Sword YWB2
Jaou Sword Sacred Sword YWB2

See Also[]
