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Yo-kai Medallium biography
Yo-kai Medallium
"This guy's happy dance spreads joy wherever he goes. Wait a second. Doesn't he seem kind of familiar..."

Fundango (Japanese: ハッピィさん Happy-San) is a Rank B, Restoration-attribute Yo-kai of the Heartful tribe.


Video Games[]


Fundango looks similar to that of Glumdango, as they both have dark black hair with sideburns, cats on top of their heads, and upright rectangular shaped heads. However, unlike Glumdango, Fundango instead wears a white long sleeve shirt, a vest with a red and purple stripe pattern, a golden yellow bow with a cape flowing behind, black pants, and teal shoes with red socks. He also has long sideburns, the tip of his hair going up, and wears sunglasses with a lilac purple frame and two wispy ends. His cat is red instead of black and has a cute expression.


Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Fundango is automatically befriended in a Quest. To get the Quest, you have to put Pandle on the Yo-kai Hot spot beside the circus in BBQ. Once done, the Quest will appear in the circus at night. Glumdango will befriend you and then you have to talk to Hoppy Go Lucky, House Partay, Skulleidoscope, Hot Air Buffoon, Putasockinit, and Nautaloss (All of which only be found at nighttime) and ask them to rejoin the circus. Once the player talks to all of them, go back to the circus at night, go in and talk to Glumdango and the previously mentioned Yo-kai will appear. Then Glumdango turns into Fundango and will automatically befriend you.

He is required for the The Seaweed Shufflers Yo-kai Circle.



Fundango is the form Glumdango took when running the Night Circus. Fundango's sadness over the closure of the circus caused him to become Glumdango, until Nate helped him revive the circus, causing him to become Fundango once more.

Game data[]


Type Name Power Attribute Range
Attack Flip Kick 50 Single enemy
No description.
Technique Restore 50 Restoration Single ally
No description.
Inspirit Fun Times Single ally
Makes an ally so happy that they just want to dance! Slowly restores HP.
Soultimate Move Energizing Exercise All Allies
Does a happy dance, recovering HP and getting even more powerful!
Skill Gimme Twenty Linked Yo-kai
Boosts STR slightly for linked Yo-kai.


  • Fundango is a portmanteau of Fun and fandango (a Spanish dance).
  • Gogonzalo combines "Gozar" (Joy) with the name Gonzalo.


Fundango's is a caricature of Lucky Ikeda, matching the pun with his pre-evolution's Japanese name (Unlucky-san) and his appearance being based off his outfits he usually wears in performances.


  • Fundango does not have a real life medal counterpart.
  • The cat on his forehead resembles Junior in the Shadowside Series
  • Fundango has a unique ability in the Yo-kai Vacuum Cleaner, where he "will only collect Dancing Stars and Music Cards."

In other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan Japanese ハッピィさん Happy-San
Flag of Spain Spanish Gogonzalo
Flag of Italy Italian Sballio